Kerala Wayanadu tourism

Wayanad :  Wayanad is the green paradise - the border world of the greener part of Kerala  It is a quiet place where scenic beauty, wild life and tradition matter, simplicity is a virtue and beauty still blossoms from the mountainous horizon and from the green glaze of alluring vegetation. Clean and pristine, enchanting and hypnotizing, this land has a history and mystery, culture and social epistemology yet to be discovered.

Wayanad spreads the aroma of coffee, cardamom and vanilla. Let the landscaped sceneries, pristine beauty, fresh breeze and colonial aura enter into your spirits on a Honeymoon in Wayanad In the hills and forests of Wayanad where nature in its primeval form has blended gracefully and evolved in a modern format, you will experience a thrill of a life time.

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